

Looking after the Talmidi HaShluchim

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 The Talmidi Shluchim to Yeshivas around the world are often described as the engine of the entire Yeshiva. It is they who tirelessly devote themselves to the spiritual well being of every Talmid in their respective Yeshivos.

Until now, there were very few resources available for the Shluchim themselves. It is very difficult to serve their own spiritual needs when they are so single-mindedly devoted to their bochurim. But even the best engine can always use some maintenance, and there has been very little support and direction provided to those special bochurim who merit to go on the Rebbe's Shlichus.

In light of the above, the Vaad Hatmimim has presented a global learning initiative geared specially to these bochurim, all learning the same topics in chassidus.

Every month there is a booklet of selected mamorim, all related to the sugya at hand. There are weekly shiurim on zoom, given by the Mashpiim from Yeshivas across america. Thereby  every Shliach can participate and engage so that the learning can be more understood and comprehended than what the words of the mamorim convey at first glance.

71 Years, 71 hours, give $71 for Yud Shevat

IMG-20210121-WA0221.jpg As Chasidim we invest ourselves on Yud Shevat by learning and Farbrenging, the Vaad Hatmimim is asking to take part in its Yud Shevat programing by contributing $71 for the next 71 hours to reach its goal of $180,000 in honor of 71 years to Yud Shevat. 

Over Yud Shevat, the Vaad is hosting two events, the 17th annual Kinus Hatmimim and the 3rd grand Siyum on the amazing Halikut program.  As well as concluding the new "Iberleben" Mivtza. 

These programs are vital - but they cannot happen without YOUR help.

YOUR gift will ensure the Vaad can continue providing these life-giving opportunities, and grow further. YOU are changing the lives of thousands.

please, take a moment for the Bochurim, dem Rebben's Kinder and give generously to the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, so we can continue to provide our vital programming.

Please go to - Please give, and give generously!

Vaad Hatmimim's full Yud Shevat Schedule for Bochurim


As bochurim arrive in Crown Heights for Yud Shvat, Vaad Hatmimim presents a full schedule for the weekend, with farbrengens and programs, culminating with the grand Halikut Siyum.

Thursday, 8 Shevat:

The 17th annual Kinus Hatmimim at the Rosa hall in Beis Rivkah Lefferts. The program will go through the 70-year-old Farbrengen – Yud Shevat 5711, apart from each Sicha of the Farbrengen will be shown with 7 different Mashpiim speaking about on the Sicha shown and how it is relevant to each Bochur.

The Mashpiim include: Rabbi Yosef Gurevitz of Mesivta Chicago – Sicha 1; Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan of Oholei Torah Zal – Sicha 2; Rabbi Mendel Schapiro of Yeshiva Los Angeles – Sicha 3; Rabbi Mendel Gordon of Yeshiva London – Sicha 4; Rabbi Yosef Klyne of Yeshiva Baltimore – Sicha 5a; Rabbi Shlomo Chaim Feldman of Yeshiva Cholon – Sicha 5b; Rabbi Moshe Wolberg of Yeshiva Manchester – Sicha 6.

The program will begin at 9:00pm EST will be aired live on


Thursday night, 8 Shevat:  

Farbrengen led by Rabbi Shlome Kaplan of Oholei Torah Zal in Empire Shtiebel at 11:00 EST.

Friday, 9 Shevat:

Buses to the Rebbe’s Ohel will be leaving from the Deradel at 11:00 am and 2:30 pm with a subsidized price for Bochurim.

Shabbos, Yud Shevat:

Kinus Hisorirus with 3 Shluchim

English Farbrengen Friday night with Rabbi Nochum Bukiet of Baltimore

English Farbrengen Shabbos day with Rabbi Shlome Zarchi, Mashpia in 770

Sunday, 11 Shevat:

Vaad Hatmimim’s 3rd grand Halikut Siyum, where 300 Bochurim will be taking a test on the full Chelek Lamed of Likkutei Sichos. The Bochurim will join a crossfire discussion where they can ask anonymous questions to the panelists Rabbi Yossi Klyne, Rabbi Meir Chaim Posner, and Rabbi Leima Wilhelm followed by the Bochurim who scored the highest mark on the final test will then compete in public on stage, tested by Rabbi Nachman Schapiro, Rabbi Avrohom Gerlitzky and Rabbi Sholom Charitonow. The program will then conclude with a banquet addressed by the Rebbe’s choizer Reb Yoel Kahn, and a keynote address by Los Angeles Mashpia Rabbi Mendy Shapiro.  


Iberleben booklet.jpg 

As part of the Iberleben program - learning a full Farbrengen with the Rebbe, and reliving it. 

We are pleased to present to you booklet 1 - Yud Shevat 5711 part 1. 

The booklet includes translation of uncommon words and explanations when needed.


Click Here to View


Iberleben booklet.jpg 

As part of the Iberleben program - learning a full Farbrengen with the Rebbe, and reliving it. 

We are pleased to present to you booklet 3 - Yud Shevat 5726 part 2. 

The booklet includes translation of uncommon words and explanations when needed.

Click Here to View


Iberleben booklet.jpg 

As part of the Iberleben program - learning a full Farbrengen with the Rebbe, and reliving it. 

We are pleased to present to you booklet 2 - Yud Shevat 5726 part 1. 

The booklet includes translation of uncommon words and explanations when needed.


Click Here to View


Iberleben booklet.jpg 

As part of the Iberleben program - learning a full Farbrengen with the Rebbe, and reliving it. 

We are pleased to present to you booklet 1 - Yud Shevat 5712 part 1. 

The booklet includes translation of uncommon words and explanations when needed.


Click Here to View



To commemorate 70 years since the Rebbe’s Farbrengen on Yud Shevat 5711, the Vaad Hatmimim has launched a new program to help Bochurim experience and learn a full Farbrengen with the Rebbe, and to relive it. 

This is the Vaad’s second mivtza for Yud Shevat in addition to the wildly successful Halikut program. The project is called “Iberleben”, and the idea is to expose young bochurim to the depth, joy and clarity that attending the Rebbe’s farbrengens brings about. 

The program has been initiated in a few select Mesivtos during the past month and will be launched and available for all Mesivtos and Yeshivas around America starting Yud Shevat. The “Iberliben” program provides booklets with translation of uncommon words and explanations when needed on the selected Farbrengen in order to ease the learning of the Farbrengen. 

During and after the learning of the Farbrengen the Bochurim will have the opportunity to hear from a Mashpia or a Chossid which was present at that specific farbrengen who will share with them his own feelings and memories, to attempt to recapture the experience of that particular Farbrengen. 

“This will help transform the farbrengen- in a young bochur’s mind- from merely words on a page to a dynamic reality and live experience,” the organizers said. 

Vaad Hatmimim is led with dedication by Rabbi Tzvi Altein, together with the” iberliben” organizers Mendel Banon and Sholem Kalmenson. Special thanks to Rabbi Yossi Lew for editing the weekly booklet and to Zelig Katzman, Yossi Katz, Moishie Caytak and Elchonon Perlstein for their assistance.



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