

Beis Chayenu - Beha'aloscha 5781


We are pleased to present the "Beis Chayenu" publication for the the coming Shabbos (ש"פ בהעלותך). 

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Beis Chayenu Supplement


Celebrating 30 years since the surprise farbrengen of Shabbos Parshos Naso 5751, we present an exclusive Beis Chayenu covering the farbrengen.


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Beis Chayenu - Naso 5781


We are pleased to present the "Beis Chayenu" publication for the the coming Shabbos (ש"פ נשא). 

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Mivtzoim content available for safety of Eretz Yisroel


When Israel was in a deep crisis during the Six Day War of 1967, the Rebbe started Mivtza Tefillin for the safety of Aeretz Yisroel.
This past Friday as Bochurim around the world headed out to the Streets, Offices and Homes for their weekly Mivtzoim many Yidden have have committed to putting on tefilin for the safety of Aeretz Yisroel.

In light of the increase of Mivtzoim the Vaad Hatmimim has collected various Kovtzim, Sichos, articles and more on Mivtza Tefillin for Bochurim and the public to be more motivated and learn more about the Mivtza.

NEW! Beis Chayenu!


We are pleased to present the "Beis Chayenu" publication for the the coming Shabbos (ש"פ במדבר).

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Hanachos kicks off in Mesivtas across America


The Vaad Hatmimim's Hanachos program which was launched earlier this week for its third year in Mesivtas across America has kicked off with hundreds of Bochurim from 15 Mesivtas across the world watching video Farbrengens of the Rebbe and and writing their very own Hanacha by heart in preparation for Gimmel Tammuz.

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