

Close to 1000 Bochurim to Unite for Shabbos at the Ohel

As Chassidim worldwide are counting down the days until the Rebbe’s birthday on Yud-Alef Nissan, Vaad Hatmimim is preparing to host over 500 Bochurim for a grand Shabbos near the Rebbe’s Ohel. 

Announced a few short weeks ago at the Live Kinus Hakhel for Chabad Yeshivos, the Vaad Hatmimim has arranged a special Shabbos program in preparation for Yud-Alef Nissan near the Rebbe’s Ohel, taking care of all the physical and spiritual needs of any Bochur who wishes to join. Close to 1000 Bochurim took advantage of this offer and will be spending an uplifting Shabbos with their classmates and Mashpi’im.

Some of the jam-packed programming to take place from Friday afternoon through Sunday include Shiurim in Chassidus and Nigleh and Chassidishe Farbrengens delivered by notable Maggidei Shiurim and Mahpi’im and split by grades to ensure more of an effective and pleasant experience for Bochurim on every level. In the spirit of Hakhel, many joint learning sessions and Kinusim will also take place over Shabbos. This is all in addition to the excellent sleeping accommodations in close proximity to the Ohel and around-the-clock Farbeisin and meals graciously provided for the Bochurim.

The following Mashpi’im and Shluchim will be taking part in the Shabbos: Rabbi’s Chaim Shaul Brook, Yisroel Deren, Yosef Klyne, Shmaya Shmotkin, Mendel Scharf, Leima Wilhelm, and Moshe Wolberg.

Talmidim Hashluchim have reported that Bochurim are eagerly anticipating an exciting Hakhel-spirited Shabbos spent in the Rebbe’s presence following weeks of preparation for this most joyous day. Many are still raving about last year's successful ‘Kulo Orah’ event in Crown Heights. 

The following Yeshivos are joining the program: 770, Arizona, Baltimore, Beit Shemesh, Chicago, Coral Springs, Detroit, LA - Mesivta, LA - Zal, Monsey - Mesivta, Morristown, New Haven - Mesivta, Nyack, Oholei Torah - Zal, Toronto - Mesivta, and Tzfas - Mesivta.


Short: Bochurim celebrate at the 11 Nissan 5782 'Kulo Orah' event


Inside the Hakhel Activities in Yeshivos Worldwide

Marking 15 days until the Rebbe’s 121st birthday on Yud-Alef Nissan, Vaad Hatmimim published the second edition of the acclaimed ‘Kulo Orah’ magazine, this month highlighting the Hakhel activities taking place in Yeshivos around the world. 

In addition to the timely and inspirational content related to Yud-Alef Nissan, the bi-weekly ‘Kulo Orah’ magazine features a unique column covering a specific category of Hachanos and Matanos taking place in Yeshivos worldwide in anticipation of this joyous day; the second issue explores activities in connection with Shnas Hakhel.

Learning the Rebbe’s Maamorim Ba’al Peh in Chicago Mesivta, a weekly Hakhel Seder Sichos uniting the Bochurim of the Mesivta and Zal in Toronto, ‘Hakhel Hachlatos’ in LA Mesivta, and watching the Rebbe’s Farbrengens every morning in Detroit Mesivta, are just some of the ways that Yeshivos around the world are commemorating Hakhel throughout the year. 

The magazine also maps out the evolution of the Yud-Alef Nissan celebrations with the Rebbe throughout the years in 770, describing the build-up and development that led to its global recognition and celebration. Additionally, it includes a short Farbrengen with Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Mashpia in the central Yeshivah of 770, on the significance of traveling to be with the Rebbe on this joyous occasion and the effect it can have on your life, as well as excerpts from the diary of a Bochur from Yud-Alef Nissan 5746, gracefully fill the remainder of the pages. 

To supplement the magazine, the editors included a write-up and overview of this historic and special Hakhel and Hachana for Yud-Alef Nissan that took place last week between all the Chabad Mesivtos, with the goal of further inspiring bochurim, including those who may have not participated live during the actual event.

Click here to download the second issue of the Kulo Orah Magazine. 

Click here to download the Live Hakhel supplement.

Back issues of the Kulo Orah magazine can be found here

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Mesivtos Unite To Prepare For Yud-Alef Nissan

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Over ten Chabad Mesivtos around the world gathered this Sunday for a live Kinus Hakhel on Zoom in preparation for Yud-Aleph Nissan. The half-hour program featured Rabbi Mendel Scharf of Detroit Mesivta, and Rabbi Yisroel Altein of Pittsburgh Mesivta, who addressed the Bochurim regarding Hakhel and how to best prepare for Yud-Aleph Nissan. Additionally, two Bochurim, Berel Lipskar of Monsey Mesivta, and Mendel Preiger of Miami Mesivta, shared a short piece from a Sicha of the Rebbe on those topics. 

The program concluded with an announcement from the directors of Vaad Hatmimim describing the special arrangements being planned for the Shabbos before Yud-Alef Nissan at the Rebbe’s Ohel. From accommodations to exclusive Farbrengens and Shiruim from notable Mashpi’im, any Bochur who wishes to spend the Shabbos at the Ohel, will be well taken care of.

As a special Teshurah from the event, the Bochurim received the first issue of the acclaimed Kulo Orah magazine which first appeared last year in connection with the Rebbe’s 120th birthday. This year’s bi-weekly magazines will feature a special column covering a specific category of Hachanos and Matanos taking place in Yeshivos around the world; the first issue explores the various gifts of Torah being prepared by Bochurim in multiple Yeshivos. Future issues will cover Hakhel gatherings, extra Mivtzoim, and other Matanos being prepared throughout the world.

Each issue also includes fresh and inspirational content from Yud-Aleph Nissan throughout the years in 770 with the Rebbe and an interview with a different Chossid, sharing personal experiences and stories connected with the magazine's theme.

The first issue can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here

The participating Mesvitos were: Mesivta Oholei Yosef Yitzchok Detroit, Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu Chicago, Mesivta of Postville, Miami Klurman Mesivta, Mesivta Mayan HaTorah Pomona, Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey, Mesivta of Coral Springs, Mesivta Arizona, Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad - LA Mesivta, Mesivta Ohr Temimim Toronto.


Click here for a gallery of photos.

Kulo Orah Issue 1 (4)

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The acclaimed Kulo Orah magazine which first appeared last year in connection with the Rebbe’s 120th birthday, has returned!

This year’s bi-weekly magazines feature a special column covering a specific category of Hachanos and Matanos taking place in Yeshivos around the world, the first issue exploring the various gifts of Torah being prepared by Bochurim in multiple Yeshivos. Future issues will cover Hakhel gatherings, extra Mivtzoim, and other Matanos being prepared throughout the world.

Each issue also includes fresh and inspirational content from Yud-Alef Nissan throughout the years in 770 with the Rebbe and an interview with a different Chossid, sharing personal experiences and stories connected with the theme of the magazine.

The first issue can be viewed and downloaded by clicking here.

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