Gimmel Tammuz 5774
MC: Rabbi Chaim Shapiro. Speakers: Rabbi Yoel Kahan, Rabbi Yosef Gourarie, Rabbi Moshe Wolberg, Rabbi Boruch Hertz, and Rabbi Dovid Dubov.
Join Tmimim and Chassidim for an online broadcast in honor of Beis Nissan (marking 100 years), and also in preparation for Yud Alef Nissan. Featured speakers: Rabbis Moshe Wolberg, Asher Farkash and Yosef Gurevitz.
Join Tmimim and Chassidim for an online broadcast of a Kinus Hissorerus with mashpi’im from various Yeshivos, in preparation of Gimmel Tammuz 30-days prior.
In honor of the Yartzeit of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, Vaad Hatmimim is presenting a virtual Farbrengen. The Farbrengen will be addressed by: Rabbi Yosef Chaim Kantor, Bangkok Thailand; Rabbi Leibel Shapiro, Miami FL; Rabbi Mendel Raskin, Montreal CA; Rabbi Yossi Klyne, Baltimore MD.